We became a part of the National Cadillac Club in 1971. Our club has monthly activities on the third Saturday of the month, driving tours, museums, car shows, tech meets, Toys for Tots are just a few activities. We encourage our members to participate in our monthly activities. We work with Cadillac Dealers and charity organization, Toys for Tots and Veterans. We love to have fun with our friends. For our scheduled activities, follow the link to Calendar. Our club wants members to be active by being on the board or hosting an event. Reading our newsletter “The Standard of the World” and the National newsletter “Self Starter” will keep everyone informed. We offer some merchandise for sell which can be found under Merchandise link. Driving our Cadillac or LaSalle to activities can earn us driving points. The driving points are used at the end of the year for a prize.
NTXCLC meets with the other two Regions in North Texas, Gulf Coast and Central, for an interregional each year for a driving tour in Texas for a weekend. Always loads of fun, meeting new friends, visiting with old friends, kicking a few tires, enjoying driving our vehicles, and seeing different parts of our wonderful state.
For the ones, who want to join, membership information can be found at Membership Link Think about this, our club does not require a person to own a Cadillac or LaSalle. Some of our members, doesn’t own one.